
Henghui Ding is currently a tenure-track Professor at Fudan University, and a member of Fudan Vision and Learning Lab. Prior to that, he was a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow (Principal Investigator) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, a Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zürich in Switzerland, and a Research Scientist at ByteDance AI Lab in Singapore. He received the Ph.D. degree (winner of the Best Thesis Award) from NTU in 2020, and the B.E. degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2016. His research interests broadly include machine learning and computer vision. Specifically, he focuses on scene understanding (e.g., image/video segmentation, detection), multi-modal learning (e.g., vision-language), low-shot learning, and human–computer interaction. He serves/served as an Area Chair of CVPR'(24-25), NeurIPS'24, ICLR'25, ACM MM’24, BMVC'24, and a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member of AAAI'(22-25), IJCAI'(23-24).

Ph.D. recruitment: Please email me if you have an excellent background and motivation to undertake Ph.D. studies.
常年招收: 博士后、博士、硕士、本科实习生,欢迎邮件联系 hhding[AT]。25年入学博士名额若干。

LSVOS 2024 challenges@ECCV 2024: 1) VOS Challenge, 2) RVOS Challenge, et al.


  • [09, 2024]    3 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2024.
  • [09, 2024]    Serving as an Area Chair for CVPR 2025.
  • [08, 2024]    Serving as an Area Chair for ICLR 2025.
  • [07, 2024]    Transformer-based Segmentation Survey accepted to IEEE TPAMI.
  • [07, 2024]    3 papers accepted to ACM MM 2024.
  • [07, 2024]    2 papers accepted to ECCV 2024.
  • [06, 2024]    CVPR 2024 MOSE & MeViS Challenge Report.
  • [06, 2024]    Image Editing Survey.
  • [06, 2024]    Serving as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for AAAI 2025.
  • [05, 2024]    Serving as an Area Chair for BMVC 2024.
  • [04, 2024]    Serving as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024.
  • [04, 2024]    1 paper on Video Segmentation accepted to IEEE TPAMI.
  • [03, 2024]    Call for Papers: CVPR 2024 PVUW Workshop.
  • [02, 2024]    3 papers accepted to CVPR 2024.
  • [02, 2024]    Open Vocabulary Learning Survey accepted to IEEE TPAMI.
  • [01, 2024]    Serving as an Area Chair for ACM MM 2024.
  • [01, 2024]    2 papers accepted to ICLR 2024.
  • [12, 2023]    1 paper accepted to AAAI 2024.
  • [11, 2023]    Serving as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for IJCAI 2024.
  • [11, 2023]    1 paper accepted to IEEE TIP, 1 paper accepted to IEEE TMM.
  • [10, 2023]    1 paper accepted to IEEE TPAMI.
  • [09, 2023]    Several papers accepted, 1 NeurIPS, 1 IEEE TIFS, 1 PR.
  • [08, 2023]    Serving as an Area Chair for CVPR 2024.
  • [08, 2023]    MeViS Dataset is released. Evaluation server is online.
  • [07, 2023]    Serving as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for AAAI 2024.
  • [07, 2023]    5 papers accepted to ICCV 2023.
  • [07, 2023]    MOSE Dataset accepted to ICCV 2023.
  • [05, 2023]    Named CVPR 2023 Outstanding Reviewer.
  • [05, 2023]    2 papers accepted to IEEE TIP.
  • [03, 2023]    6 papers accepted to CVPR 2023, 1 Highlight.
  • [02, 2023]    MOSE Dataset is released. Evaluation server is online.
  • [12, 2022]    Serving as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for IJCAI 2023.
  • [11, 2022]    Serving as an Associate Editor for IET Computer Vision.
  • [10, 2022]    2 papers accepted to IEEE TPAMI.
  • [09, 2022]    2 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2022.
  • [07, 2022]    2 papers accepted to ECCV 2022.
  • [03, 2022]    4 papers accepted to CVPR 2022.
  • [09, 2021]    2 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2021.
  • [09, 2021]    Serving as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for AAAI 2022.
  • [07, 2021]    8 papers accepted to ICCV 2021.

Selected Publications [Google Scholar]

MeViS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Video Segmentation with Motion Expressions

Henghui Ding, Chang Liu, Shuting He, Xudong Jiang, Chen Change Loy
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.
MeViS A benchmark dataset of Video Segmentation with Motion Expressions. 🔥Project Page🔥
MOSE: A New Dataset for Video Object Segmentation in Complex Scenes

Henghui Ding, Chang Liu, Shuting He, Xudong Jiang, Philip H.S. Torr, Song Bai
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.
MOSE A benchmark dataset of coMplex video Object SEgmentation 🔥Project Page🔥
VLT: Vision-Language Transformer and Query Generation for Referring Segmentation

Henghui Ding, Chang Liu, Suchen Wang, Xudong Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2023.
GRES: Generalized Referring Expression Segmentation

Chang Liu*, Henghui Ding* , Xudong Jiang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
( Corresponding Authorship, * Equal contribution)
A new task and benchmark dataset of referring image segmentation: 🔥Project Page🔥
Hightlight, Acceptance Rate 2.5%.

Primitive Generation and Semantic-related Alignment for Universal Zero-Shot Segmentation

Shuting He*, Henghui Ding* , Wei Jiang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
( Corresponding Authorship, * Equal contribution)
The first unfied zero-shot segmentation framework: 🔥Project Page🔥
Semantic-Promoted Debiasing and Background Disambiguation for Zero-Shot Instance Segmentation

Shuting He*, Henghui Ding* , Wei Jiang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
( Corresponding Authorship, * Equal contribution)

Prototype Adaption and Projection for Few- and Zero-shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Shuting He, Xudong Jiang, Wei Jiang, Henghui Ding
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2023.
( Corresponding Authorship)

Multi-Modal Mutual Attention and Iterative Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation

Chang Liu, Henghui Ding, Yulun Zhang, Xudong Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2023.
( Corresponding Authorship)

Self-Regularized Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Henghui Ding, Hui Zhang, Xudong Jiang
Pattern Recognition (PR), 2023.

Instance-Specific Feature Propagation for Referring Segmentation

Chang Liu, Xudong Jiang, Henghui Ding
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2022.
( Corresponding Authorship)

Spatial Feature Mapping for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation

Jianhan Mei, Xudong Jiang, Henghui Ding
Pattern Recognition (PR), 2022.
( Corresponding Authorship)

Distilling Knowledge from Object Classification to Aesthetics Assessment

Jingwen Hou*, Henghui Ding*, Weisi Lin, Weide Liu, Yuming Fang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2022.
(* Equal contribution)

Primitive3D: 3D Object Dataset Synthesis from Randomly Assembled Primitives

Xinke Li*, Henghui Ding*, Zekun Tong, Yuwei Wu, Yeow Meng Chee
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
(* Equal contribution)

Coarse-to-Fine Feature Mining for Video Semantic Segmentation

Guolei Sun, Yun Liu, Henghui Ding, Thomas Probst, Luc Van Gool
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.

Deep Interactive Image Matting with Feature Propagation

Henghui Ding, Hui Zhang, Chang Liu, Xudong Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2022.

Directed Graph Contrastive Learning

Zekun Tong, Yuxuan Liang, Henghui Ding, Yongxing Dai, Xinke Li, Changhu Wang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021.
( Corresponding Authorship)
Vision-Language Transformer and Query Generation for Referring Segmentation

Henghui Ding, Chang Liu, Suchen Wang, Xudong Jiang
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.
Interaction via Bi-directional Graph of Semantic Region Affinity for Scene Parsing

Henghui Ding, Hui Zhang, Jun Liu, Jiaxin Li, Zijian Feng, Xudong Jiang
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.

Prototypical Matching and Open Set Rejection for Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Hui Zhang, Henghui Ding
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.
( Corresponding Authorship)

Towards Enhancing Fine-grained Details for Image Matting

Chang Liu, Henghui Ding, Xudong Jiang
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021.
( Corresponding Authorship)
PhraseClick: Toward Achieving Flexible Interactive Segmentation by Phrase and Click

Henghui Ding, Scott Cohen, Brian Price, Xudong Jiang
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020.
Spotlight presentation, Acceptance Rate 5.3%.

Work done when intern at Adobe Research
Semantic Segmentation with Context Encoding and Multi-Path Decoding

Henghui Ding, Xudong Jiang, Bing Shuai, Ai Qun Liu, Gang Wang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2020.
Feature Boosting Network For 3D Pose Estimation

Jun Liu, Henghui Ding, Amir Shahroudy, Ling-Yu Duan, Xudong Jiang, Gang Wang, Alex C. Kot
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2020.

Toward Achieving Robust High-level and Low-level Scene Parsing

Henghui Ding*, Bing Shuai*, Ting Liu, Gang Wang, Xudong Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2019.
(* Equal contribution)

Boundary-Aware Feature Propagation for Scene Segmentation

Henghui Ding, Xudong Jiang, Ai Qun Liu, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Gang Wang
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.

Semantic Correlation Promoted Shape-Variant Context for Segmentation

Henghui Ding, Xudong Jiang, Bing Shuai, Ai Qun Liu, Gang Wang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019.
Oral presentation, Acceptance Rate 5.6%.

Context Contrasted Feature and Gated Multi-Scale Aggregation for Scene Segmentation

Henghui Ding, Xudong Jiang, Bing Shuai, Ai Qun Liu, Gang Wang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018.
Oral presentation, Acceptance Rate 2.1%.


  • Area Chair, CVPR'(24-25), ICLR'25, NeurIPS'24, ACM MM'24, BMVC'24.
  • Associate Editor, IET Computer Vision, 2022-Present.
  • Associate Editor, Visual Intelligence, 2024-Present.
  • Guest Editor, Electronics, 2023-2024.
  • Senior Program Committee (SPC): AAAI'(22-25), IJCAI'(23-24).
  • Conference Reviewer: CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AAAI, WACV, BMVC, ICRA, ICIP, etc.
  • Journal Reviewer: TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, TMI, TNNLS, TMM, TCSVT, PR, Neurocomputing, SPL, etc.
  • Internship: Adobe Research, San José, USA.


  • US Patent App. 16/839,209, 2021, Integrated Interactive Image Segmentation.


  • Semester 2, 2018-2019,    E2010L/IM2004: Signals&Systems, NTU
  • Semester 2, 2018-2019,    E2004: Digital Electronics, NTU
  • Semester 1, 2018-2019,    EE4717: Web Application Design, NTU

© Henghui Ding | Last updated: 09/2024